Perhaps inspired by David Letterman’s longstanding “Top Ten List,” a British firm recently compiled a list of common excuses offered...
October 27, 2016
Fans of the "insane" legendary magazine harpooning everyone and everything in America will certainly recognize the quote in the title. While...
October 4, 2016
It’s 5:00 AM, Tuesday and the operations manager of a small credit union is clutching her mug of coffee while...
September 30, 2016
As fixtures of American pop culture, superheroes have been idolized by people of all ages since the 1930s — from...
September 14, 2016
In late July, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released an outline of its proposal to tighten up the highly...
September 9, 2016
In the dark ages of debt collections, some agencies had to be pulled kicking and screaming from the depths of...
August 9, 2016
A few popular clichés resonate in the business world as well as the personal space: “there are plenty of fish...
July 29, 2016
In an act of debt collections role reversal, two homeowners exercised their rights as property owners by ordering a levy...
July 18, 2016
Considering the broad spectrum of applicable government agencies, associations and regulations, doing business in the collections industry can be overwhelming....